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Evaluation..... Re-Evaluation? What do you need to know?
Evaluation..... Re-Evaluation? What do you need to know?
Join us as Dr. Brandi goes through special education evaluation and re-evaluation. Our goal is to help you understand how psychological evaluations can help your child access services and make progres...
Guardianship……Where do I start?
Guardianship……Where do I start?
Sarah White will be walking us through the process of guardianship. When do you start the process? What are the pros and cons? Everything you need to know will be covered!
Therapy? Not What you Think.....
Therapy? Not What you Think.....
Sarah Erdman will be joining us from Summit’s Edge Counseling. Come listen as we explore the benefits of therapy and explore topics such as diagnosis….now what??
Everything Taxes - I Can Deduct What???
Everything Taxes - I Can Deduct What???
CEO of Charter Accounting, Deborah Daniel, will be joining us to answer all of your questions regarding taxes. You may be able to write off more than you think!
IEP Teachers Point Of View
IEP Teachers Point Of View
Have you ever wondered how accommodations for a student are given to a sub or a teacher who is covering while the main teacher is away? What about when a modification can't be followed due to a teache...
NOW/Comp Waiver Application Process
NOW/Comp Waiver Application Process
Dawn Johnson takes away the stress of the Now/Comp waiver application process! Listen as a subject matter expert walks you through the entire process from beginning to end.
IEP - Nuts and Bolts and Everything You Need To Know
IEP - Nuts and Bolts and Everything You Need To Know
IEPs can be complicated to manage all on your own. Listen here as attorney Allison Vrolijk walks you through the nuts and bolts of the entire IEP process
Services Series: What in the world is a job coach?
Services Series: What in the world is a job coach?
Colleen Pirkle is an experienced Job Coach who is here to walk you through benefits of employment. She will give tips on finding services and go through exactly what a job coach does.
Services Series: How in the world do I find services?
Services Series: How in the world do I find services?
Drew Decker is here to answer all of your questions regarding services. He will walk you through different services offered and how exactly do you find the right fit for you?
Services Series: Employer Point of View
Services Series: Employer Point of View
"The more people that meet your child, the more people will see what they have to offer the world." Angie Hudson, Co-founder of "Esteamed Coffee" joins us to tell us all about their amazing organizati...
Services Series: Gain Independence Through.......Exercise?
Services Series: Gain Independence Through.......Exercise?
Movement is just as important as anything else! Rebecca Camp Owner of PPF athletics is here to discuss all things exercise and services. She will be walking us through what her program looks like and...
Does your child have an IEP? You are entitled to $$
Does your child have an IEP? You are entitled to $$
Jamie Hamilton walks us through the Georgia Special Needs Scholarship program. Did you know if your child has an IEP you are legally entitled to a minimum of $3,000 for a private school education. Wat...
Parenting Series: Travel....Tips, Tricks and Everything In Between
Parenting Series: Travel....Tips, Tricks and Everything In Between
Mom and travel agent, Kathryn Rosser, walks you through how to plan the perfect vacation for your family. If you need help getting started, don't forget to check out our Experts page where Kathryn can...
Couples counseling .... not something to be afraid of
Couples counseling.... not something to be afraid of
As you care for a child with disabilities don't forget about yourself and your partner. Sarah and Katherine are here to walk you through everything you need to know about couples counseling.
Who can help with my IEP??
Who can help with my IEP??
Our Place Expert Bonnie Hybner was a special education teacher for over a decade, now she help families through the IEP process. We are here to tell you more about the IEP process and if you need help...
What are my options for pre-school?
What are my options for pre-school?
Ali Malone, special education teacher and Our Place Expert walks you through what your options for pre-school are. You might be wondering what a day at pre-school looks like for your child, Ali is her...
Your Childs Behavior......What to know and how to help
Your Childs Behavior......What to know and how to help
Our Place welcomes Shelly Meitzler from the TSC Alliance to walk us through behaviors. Shelly is a parent of 2 children with disabilities which makes her an expert in behaviors and as a loved one what...
Parenting Series: How to handle the transition to adulthood
Parenting Series: How to handle the transition to adulthood
"Build the life they want not the life you want for them." Shannon Johnson is here to share her story and experiences with her 27 year old son with autism. Listen as Shannon walks you through how they...
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