Knowledge Center

Services Series: What in the world is a job coach?
Colleen Pirkle is an experienced Job Coach who is here to walk you through benefits of employment. She will give tips on finding services and go through exactly what a job coach does.
Services Series: How in the world do I find services?
Drew Decker is here to answer all of your questions regarding services. He will walk you through different services offered and how exactly do you find the right fit for you?
Services Series: Employer Point of View
"The more people that meet your child, the more people will see what they have to offer the world." Angie Hudson, Co-founder of "Esteamed Coffee" joins us to tell us all about their amazing organization. Angie has the most amazing stories about their employees and the progress they have made in just 18 months! You don't want to miss this one.
Services Series: Gain Independence Through.......Exercise?
Movement is just as important as anything else! Rebecca Camp Owner of PPF athletics is here to discuss all things exercise and services. She will be walking us through what her program looks like and why athletics and movement should be a priority. She is also going to be walking us through service options from camps to day programs and what exactly you can do to find services near you!
Does your child have an IEP? You are entitled to $$
Jamie Hamilton walks us through the Georgia Special Needs Scholarship program. Did you know if your child has an IEP you are legally entitled to a minimum of $3,000 for a private school education. Watch now to learn more!